
Contract Info

  • Contract Name: move_fun::legacy_coin

  • Contract Address: [tba]



Represents the global storage for managing the legacy coin supply and details.

struct Info<phantom BuyCoinType, phantom SellCoinType> has key {
    total_bound_supply: u64,
    liquidity_supply: Coin<BuyCoinType>,
    target_price_numerator: u64,
    target_price_denominator: u64,
    buy_coin_store: Coin<BuyCoinType>,
    sell_coin_store: Coin<SellCoinType>,
    virtual_balance_store: smart_table::SmartTable<address, Coin<BuyCoinType>>,
    max_wallet_balance: Option<u64>,


Stores metadata for the legacy coin.

struct CoinMetadata<phantom CoinType> has key, store {
    name: String,
    symbol: String,
    decimals: u8,
    max_supply: u64,
    logo: String,
    banner: String,
    description: String,
    links: vector<String>



Emitted when the coin is deployed.

struct CoinDeployed has drop, store {
    coin_address: String,
    name: String,
    symbol: String,
    decimals: u8,
    max_supply: u64,
    logo: String,
    banner: String,
    description: String,
    links: vector<String>


Emitted when coins are bought.

struct CoinBought has drop, store {
    buyer: address,
    coin: String,
    amount_base_value: u64,
    amount_exponent_value: u64,
    at_price_numerator: u64,
    at_price_denominator: u64,
    paid: u64,
    paid_coin: String,
    accumulated_sell_supply: u64,
    remaining_supply: u64,


Emitted when coins are sold.

struct CoinSold has drop, store {
    seller: address,
    coin: String,
    amount_base_value: u64,
    amount_exponent_value: u64,
    at_price_numerator: u64,
    at_price_denominator: u64,
    received: u64,
    received_coin: String,
    accumulated_sell_supply: u64,
    remaining_supply: u64,

Public Functions

Initialize Legacy Coin

Initializes the legacy coin with bonding curve parameters and metadata.

public(friend) fun initialize<BuyCoinType, SellCoinType>(
    signer_ref: &signer,
    max_supply: u64,
    initial_price_numerator: u64,
    initial_price_denominator: u64,
    target_price_numerator: u64,
    target_price_denominator: u64,
    bound_supply_percentage: u8,
    logo: String,
    banner: String,
    description: String,
    links: vector<String>,
    max_wallet_balance: Option<u64>

Buy Legacy Coin

Allows users to buy coins based on the bonding curve.

public(friend) fun buy<BuyCoinType, SellCoinType>(
    buyer: &signer,
    amount_base_value: u64,
    amount_exponent_value: u64
) acquires Info

Sell Legacy Coin

Allows users to sell coins back into the bonding curve.

public(friend) fun sell<BuyCoinType, SellCoinType>(
    seller: &signer,
    amount_base_value: u64,
    amount_exponent_value: u64
) acquires Info

View Functions

Get Metadata

Retrieves the metadata for the legacy coin.

public fun metadata<CoinType>(): (String, String, u8, u64, String, String, String, vector<String>) acquires CoinMetadata

Last updated